42 which of these statements describes what the diagram is showing?
The following diagrams show what happened when these spheres were suspended in pairs close to each other. C pheres 1, 2 and 4 have the same charge. D) Spheres 1 and 3 have the same charge. Which of the following statements is true? A) Spheres 1, 2, 3 and 4 have the same charge. B) Spheres 2, 3 and 4 have the same charge.
Class Diagrams -- 8 Object Diagrams Model the instances of things described by a class. Each object diagram shows a set of objects and their inter-relationships at a point in time. Used to model a snapshot of the application. Each object has an optional name and set of classes it is an instance of, also values for attributes of these classes.
shown in the diagram below. Based on these results, which statement correctly predicts what will happen to red blood cells when they are placed in a beaker containing a water solution in which the salt concentration is much higher than the salt concentration in the red blood cells? 1)The concentration of O2 will increase inside the cell.

Which of these statements describes what the diagram is showing?
10 The table gives statements about blood cells. Some apply to red blood cells and some to white blood cells. (a) Complete the table by using a tick ( ) or a cross ( ) to show if each statement applies to red blood cells or to white blood cells. The first statement has been done for you. (5) Statement Red blood cells White blood cells transport ...
(b) The microphone and cathode ray oscilloscope are used to show the sound wave pattern of a musical instrument. One of the following statements describes what a microphone does. Tick the box next to the correct statement. A microphone transfers sound energy tolight energy. A microphone transfers sound energy toelectrical energy.
The diagram below shows a planet and the sun. What does the arrow on the diagram show? how the planet rotates on its axis the gaseous nature of the planet why the planet has seasons how the planet revolves around the sun SC.5.E.5.2 A student's model of the solar system is shown below. Which of these objects would most likely
Which of these statements describes what the diagram is showing?.
DFD describes the processes that are involved in a system to transfer data from the input to the file storage and reports generation. Data flow diagrams can be divided into logical and physical. The logical data flow diagram describes flow of data through a system to perform certain functionality of a business.
Q: i=1 Consider the tomographic projection model in (2). Let's assume that we are only given (v1), and {0,1}; and I are unknown. Our goal is to recover 1 from the measu A:See Answer; Q: I need help with b, c, and d. Thank you so much! A:See Answer Q: In the attached graph each vertex B-J is a person who has not been exposed to virus. The red verteces are persons who have been vaccinated.
These changes in the community demonstrate that A)There would be more snakes than pocket gophers. B)There would be more coyotes than rabbits. C)There would be more insects than insect eating birds. D)There would be more hawks than seed eating birds. 30.The diagram below represents a food web. Which statement regarding organisms in this food web is
This diagram shows that the ratio of cups of water to scoops of lemonade powder is 6 to 2. We can also see that for every scoop of lemonade powder, there are 3 cups of water. Lesson 2 Practice Problems. Here is a diagram that describes the cups of green and white paint in a mixture. Select all the statements that accurately describe this diagram.
the night. Examine the diagrams in Model 1 and the statements below to determine the phrase that best describes the manager's set of rules. Circle the correct answer. a. The boarding house will rent out beds on the 2nd 3rd b. Boarders are only allowed to dcuble up in a bunk when there is an even number of boarders in the room floor first.
This Diagram shows a government's approach to taxing and spending. Which of the following would be a good title for this diagram? Which of the following statements most accurately describes the federal government and its employees? Millions of Americans work for the federal government.
Statement 2 When hydrogen burns in the air to form water, heat energy is produced. Which is correct? A Both statements are correct and statement 2 explains statement 1. B Both statements are correct but statement 2 does not explain statement 1. C Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect.
3 The diagrams show a cylindrical net packed with rubber balloons full of air. The structure is used by a teacher to explain wilting. all the balloons fully inflated the same number of balloons with some of the air let out What is represented by the parts of the structure shown? air balloons net rubber A cells cell sap cell walls epidermis
The diagrams show a cheek cell from a human and a leaf cell from a plant. (a) The two cells have a number of parts in common. (i) On the cheek cell, label three of these parts which both cells have. (3) (ii) In the table, write the names of the three parts you have labelled above and describe the main function of each part. Part Function
Which of the following best describes what the diagram is showing? ... What aspect of fiscal policy does this diagram show? government spending to strengthen the economy. When a government creates a budget, it is seeking a way to. ... Which statements accurately describe debts and deficits? Check all that apply.
1 The diagram shows part of a food web in an oak forest. (a) Use the information in the food web to complete the statements in the table. The first one has been done for you. (4) Statement Number the number of animals is 8 the number of producers is the number of herbivores is the number of secondary consumers is the number of food chains is deer
L2 Amanda is making a poster to describe the two types of cell division. She draws an outline of a human on the poster. Amanda wants to show diagrams of mitosis and meiosis zooming out from the different parts of the body where they take place. Which of these choices correctly shows a location for a type of cell division?
The diagram below shows a process in Earth's crust. Which of the following statements best describes the process in the diagram. A Converging plates from Mountains B Converging plates from Volcanoes C Diverging plates form Mountains D Diverging plates form a rift valley I think it is D. Can someone please check. To find picture google question open study link is there. That is where you will ...
Show Collection. 1. Choose two of the colors in the image, and draw a diagram showing the number of snap cubes for these two colors. 2. Trade papers with a partner. On their paper, write a sentence to describe a ratio shown in their diagram. Your partner will do the same for your diagram.
What is Class Diagram? In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.
Which of the following correctly describes how a diagram of cellular respiration would differ from a diagram of photosynthesis? answer choices . The cellular-respiration diagram would show electromagnetic waves as the final product. The cellular-respiration diagram would show glucose as the main source of energy. ... Which of these statements ...
The diagrams show the lengths of the spring with different loads. 2.0 N 4.0 N 3.0 cm 6.0 cm 9.0 cm ... Each of the two statements below describes a change of state. ... Which changes of state do these statements describe? change 1 change 2 A condensation melting
Deployment Diagram. Package Diagram. Profile Diagram. Not all of the 14 different types of UML diagrams are used on a regular basis when documenting systems and/or architectures. The Pareto Principle seems to apply in terms of UML diagram usage as well - 20% of the diagrams are being used 80% of the time by developers.
Play this game to review Ecology. The diagram shows a container divided into two compartments by a membrane permeable to water but not to starch. Two solutions containing different concentrations of dissolved starch were placed on each side of the membrane. Which of the following describes what will happen to the water level during the process of osmosis?
between these two species can be described as A. harmful to both species B. parasite/host C. beneficial to both species D. predator/prey 12. The diagram below represents a biological process taking place in an area of New York State unaffected by natural disasters. Which statement correctly describes a stage in this process? A.
The graph shows government spending as a percentage of GDP from 1990 to 2012. At its peak, government spending made up about. Half of GDP. 100 percent of GDP. One quarter of GDP. One tenth of GDP. One quarter of GDP. The diagram shows an aspect of fiscal policy.
The "needs" in the diagram demonstrate the purpose of the policies for the social body, that is, it is necessary to guarantee security, justice and seek equal opportunities, which implies in narrowing the gap of inequality between people. All this "ideally" must be achieved without affecting the pillars of market freedom, which are private ...
Which of these statements describes what the diagram is showing? Economic policy must reach a balance between needs and ideals. The graph shows the number of employed workers in the United States in nonfarm jobs from 2008 to 2013.
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